Friday, May 9, 2014

Dear Mom, 7 Days of "Thank You": Day 5

With Mother's day coming up, I'm taking some time this week to reflect on how things I have learned from my mom influence me everyday.  Here is day 5 of "Dear Mom, 7 Days of "Thank You."


Day 5  - Dear Mom, Thank you for all of the little things. When I say "little things," I mean all of the innumerable things that mom took care of day in and day out. They often may go unnoticed and unacknowledged, and so today I say thank you for all of it.  

-for all the driving me around, making sure I got to sports practices, friend's houses, and wherever else I needed to go

-for all those home-cooked meals

-for the loads and loads of clothes washing, and for being an expert at stain removal ;)

-for all of the constant grocery shopping, I know we were quite the eaters!

-for always being there in the crowd to cheer me on in whatever sporting event I was participating in at the time

-for making sure I always had whatever I needed

-and for all of the little things that you still do for me

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